Blue Star Pledge

Take The Pledge

We pledge to put the well-being of all our Utah stakeholders as a top priority by creating a culture of wellness, engagement, and prosperity within our workplace. . We understand that Utah workers, citizens, and communities are impacted by the quality of business practices and we will work to develop proactive policies, protocols, and workplace cultures that support well-being and mental health.


Take the world-class well-being training taught by legendary scholars and leaders who deliver strategies and practices derived from scientific research. Our instructors are world-renown and have made it their life’s work to rigorously study the strategies that work. It’s based on decades of research from the most respected voices in positive psychology including: Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman, the founder of Positive Psychology, Dr. Angela Duckworth, author of the best-selling book Grit and top TED Talk, Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, best-selling author and many more.


Take the pledge as an organization. Shout it out loud. Share about it. Post it publicly. Be proud about being a blue star business.

Create a Plan

Build a working plan that you can come back to as an organization. Need inspiration? We have you covered. We will send you templates, points and forms you can use that are all backed by the latest social science.

Implement 5 Pillars of Well-being

Make it happen. Start improving the well-being of the members of your organization by following the most trusted well-being model in the world: PERMA. PERMA stands for Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Achievement. These are the foundation of well-being and have been extensively studied in academic journals globally.

Designate a Well-being Ambassador

Choose your captain. Support them with resources and don’t be shy in compensating them for their work. It will be meaningful work, but it will be hard work. If your organization needs to have multiple ambassadors, even better!